Sample Rejuvenary for free below!

then starting at $5 for emails lists under 1000

Stay in Touch Marketing is a provider of content in the form of short rejuvenating videos based on familiar poems, songs and original content to evoke an uplifting mood. Rejuvenary videos are appropriate as stay in touch sentiments to send clients and friends at special times. 

Ever find yourself at a loss for how to stay in touch with prospects that have a longer sales cycle? With longer sales cycles, the challenge of marketing is to stay in front of the customer in a positive way until the need to buy is immediate. If this is your situation, think Rejuvenary sends positive messages to be sure the prospect will remember you when there is a time lapse between initial contact and the execution of a sale.

When you secure a customer, the same challenge applies. How do you ensure that the customer feels good about you and continues to be a customer?  Delivering great service is fundamental, but Rejuvenary helps you to connect on an emotional level as well. Building business relationships is a long term goal and one that is nurtured through communications and recognition on an ongoing basis.

Poetry and guided imagery videos are also available for residents in long term care as short relaxation exercises or conversation starters.

How can I use Rejuvenary?

Here are just a few ways to use Rejuvenary videos to communicate:

As a part of your email newsletter to enhance your content

To send as an alternative to a greeting card to offer a relaxing break to your contacts or friend

In any email communication where you would like more clicks and more opens

To pave the way for renewed communications with a previous customer

To send holiday greetings to staff especially those not “on site”

To stay in touch with vendors, customers employees 

To thank customers, donors, volunteers for their support 

To use in lobby video feeds along with other content

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